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Group of the companies

Aconitum – EU GMP manufacturing and main headquarters in Lithuania

Aconitum Swiss – Aconitum’s subsidiary company with world class experts in Switzerland. 

Facts about company

years of experience
>5 M €
R&D spent
product formulas
100 %
certified by GMP, HACCP

Aconitum is actively exporting products to more than 70 countries worldwide

Portfolio structure

Herbal pharmaceuticals




Our latest innovations

Vironox. Empower your immunity

Vironox line was developed based on research projects in collaboration with Virology Institute of the Lithuanian University of Health Science (LUHS).

NoAGE. Age is just a number

NoAge is a revolutionary invention which was developed to fight the ageing processes by reducing the damage that is occurring in our cells every day.

Scientific Board

Dr Rima Balanaškienė

MD, the founder & owner of Aconitum

“Harmony of man, nature and science is the most important. Our mission is to provide bio-holistic help to human health.”

Dr. Vladas Snieckus


”Aconitum is highly innovative company with great expertise in herbal and traditional medicines. Creativity in development comes with great diligence and attention to details. This has helped to bring to life so many new formulations for the benefit of numerous patients.”

Prof. dr. Efim Vaynerman

„I respect Aconitum for the fact that the company, which is developing new approaches, successfully applies and uses the colossal experience accumulated by traditional medicine and pharmacology. This is one of the secrets of the company's success as knowledge never loses relevance, often it is simply forgotten.“

Prof. dr. Nijole Savickienė

“Aconitum has deep knowledge in herbal product formulation – products are created by a team of competent doctors and pharmacists; ingredients are selected and sourced very responsibly. As a scientist, I am glad to use my expertise and to contribute to Aconitum product formulation for more than 10 years!”

We offer

Products for distribution

Contract manufacturing

CTD out-licensing

Global partners